Monday, August 27, 2012

Set Auto-Lock for Longer Than 5 Minutes in iOS

On one hand, I often put down my iPod Touch for a few minutes to do something, only to return and find it already locked. On the other, turn off unlock would be an issue if I lost the iPod Touch since then someone can find it and look though the personal information.

After googling on and off for a few months, I finally find a way to set the auto-lock function on my Touch for 15 minutes. I can confirm that this works for my generation 2 iPod Touch.

To do this, you would need a jail-broken phone with either SSH setup or iFile installed. The instruction is here: .

For posterity, you would need to edit the file located at Applications>>general.plist, and add a new entrie in the following section:


As for the concern that locking the iPod Touch would make it harder for someone to return it if lost – you can always add your contact information to the photo you show at the lock screen.