Here is some code to create a Stata program to get dividend data from Yahoo Finance and plotting it:
program define sdchart
insheet using "`0'&a=00&b=01&c=1900&d=11&e=31&f=2099&g=v&ignore=.csv"
gen tempDate = date(date, "YMD")
drop date
gen date = tempDate
format date %td
drop tempDate
line dividend date
drop dividend date
If you put the http URL in your web browser, and replaced `0’ with a stock ticker (like "INTC"), you will be returned with a CSV file with Intel’s dividend. For example, click the following:
The rest of the code just takes the csv file data and plots it in Stata. I like using Stata because
- I have been using Stata a lot lately for my work, and
- that it can download web data (like those from Yahoo Finance) directly within the program.
So if you run sdchart INTC, you will get:
I have the code in my file in the Stata startup directory.
Reference: How to download the history of dividend payments for stocks in the US market [Quantshare]