Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Direct URL Links to Bloomberg Graphs

Calculated Risk has a post about monitoring the TED spread and 2-year US dollar swap spread as the Europe crisis continues to develop. Having decided to have these two charts automatically be emailed to me weekly, I need to find the data, download it, graph the data series myself, and email the graphs to me.  Or, if I can live with the Bloomberg style graph – use the following two links, download the graphs, and email them to me:

2-year swap spread: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/chart?h=400&w=520&range=1y&type=gp_line&cfg=BQuoteComp_10.xml&ticks=USSP2:IND&img=png

TED spread: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/chart?h=400&w=520&range=1y&type=gp_line&cfg=BQuoteComp_10.xml&ticks=.TEDSP:IND&img=png

I tried to play with the parameters – height (h) and width (w) works. I can change the ticker by modifying the string after “ticks=”. For example, if I want a plot of the SP500, I use the following:


I can also adjust the time range of the graph to some time less than a year (6m, 3m, etc.). However, I cannot adjust the time range of the graph for longer than a year. Well, off to do the rest of the automation.

Reference: NY Times: "Crisis in Europe Tightens Credit Across the Globe" [Calculated Risk]