Thursday, December 26, 2019

Alternative Page with Proper Canonical tag Error for Blogger Https Pages

If you look at the google search console, under the coverage section, you might find valid pages with the type "Indexed, not submitted in sitemap". Clicking on one of these links, and inspect the url takes you to the URL Inspection page with the status "Alternative Page with proper canonical tag". You can also find the same thing under the excluded pages with this type.

Blogger HTML code with the canonical tag

At least for many of this blog's pages, this has mostly applied to the https URLs. I.e., checking the corresponding http version of the page has the comforting status of "URL is on Google".

This seems to be done on purpose by Google/Blogger due to http doesn't trigger errors on browsers as easily. If you look at the source for this post, view-source: (in Firefox), you can find the the following in the HTML:

<link href=' 

I.e., the HTML, generated by blogger, is specifying that the http version of the page is "canonical".