Friday, October 23, 2015

Fuzzy Dividend Aristocrats Companion Checker

How to use:
  • Add or delete tickers using the selector on the right. Type in ticker symbols and check the stocks to be displayed in the top right panel. The top right panel shows the sum of dividend by year for the stock (using Yahoo finance data). Once the stock is displayed, click on the total dividend line corresponding to the stock to update the other panels to show related information. 
Panel information:
  • Total Dividend (Top right): Line thickness indicates the average annual price. Use the "Ticker" box to show stocks. Click on the stock lines to update the bottom panels. 
  • Stock Data (Top left): Stock data retrieved sometime in May 2015 (and therefore can at best serves as an approximation). 
  • Dividend Yields (Bottoms): Size and darkness of circles indicates years (so bigger darker circles are more recent) and the dividend yield is calculated by taking the sum of the dividends for the year divided by the average price corresponding to the dividend dates. The stocks show are restricted by the selection of the "Dividend Growth (Yrs.)" slider and the sector of the stock selected in the top right "Total Dividend" panel. The "Dividend Growth (Yrs.)" slider refers to stocks with X years of consecutive non-negative dividend change.